I've typed and erased about four times now and I've reached the "screw it" level at this point. So, here goes. I've never written a blog before and really never planned on it... until now. I'm approaching thirty years old, overweight, unmotivated and most of the time... just lazy. Maybe all of those come from the depression I've battled for years, but who the hell knows? Maybe I'm just like the rest of America and don't feel like doing shit for myself anymore. Well, guess what everyone? The robots aren't being built any time soon, so get off your ass and do something about it. I'll be the first to admit that I bitch about things until I'm blue in the face and then when the time comes to do something about it...
Something like that happens and I get sucked into a TV show and forget what in the hell I'm doing. Alas! That is going to change! I'd love to sit back and think I could start a huge movement, but I'm not kidding myself. This blog is for me to actually start something and finish it. I want to lose weight, start a budget, get more tattoos, maybe relate to a couple people out there but most of all, find myself again. So, to those of you who will stick beside me and read whatever bullshit I dish out, I appreciate it. If you don't like what I have to say, start your own blog. For me, tomorrow starts my journey to becoming a happy, skinny bitch!