Ten years ago, this country was forever changed.
I'll never forget the day. I was working at a company, back in the warehouse. Around 8:30 in the morning, I went in the break room to grab something to drink. As I sat there watching TV, I had no idea what I was about to witness. I saw the first plane crash into the World Trade Center's North Tower at 8:46. My heart stopped. From the first instant, I knew something wasn't right. I didn't think it was an accident. Minutes later, at 9:03, I saw the second plane coming and immediately lost it as it struck the South Tower. Then, the Pentagon at 9:37... Last, another plane crashed at 10:03 in a field... and it was over... for now.
When the towers started to collapse, I called a friend that I knew in New York City. Last I had heard, he worked about a block away. The phone calls wouldn't go through. At this point, the break room was full of co-workers staring at the screen... Most of us were speechless. It was an emotion I had never experienced before.... As we all watched hundreds of people jumping from the top floors, I was at a complete loss. Knowing that those people had no other options. The terror that they were going through brought many people around me to tears.
The rest of the day was a blur. We kept hearing more reports of other planes being hijacked... more people dying. Anger, fear, devastation and panic ran through my veins as I thought of how this would impact everyone. I wanted to get in my car and drive up there. Help in anyway I could. At one point, people thought every major city would be attacked. I was scared to go anywhere. I had a 10 month old at home, and I just wanted to go hold him and not let go.
Nearly 3,000 people were lost that day
... and only the 19 hijackers from al-Qaeda deserved that fate. As I sit here and write this, I am furious! More than 90 countries were represented in the deaths. People from all over the world were affected... The United States wanted justice and we wanted it bad! Now, 10 years later, the war is still going on... In my personal opinion, we should have went over there, found everyone involved, brought there heads back to the US and put them on posts in front of the White House. It pisses me off that we've lost so many soldiers in these past 10 years. Now, we're trying to help the same country that fucked us!? Why don't we worry about holding our own country together! I feel like if I get started on my thoughts with that it mat get too heated... so I'll leave you with this: We will never forget what was done to us and I hope that it never happens again, but let's be honest... you never know if it will or not... I feel for the families that lost loved ones in this attack... may they rest in peace....

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