I'm back! It's been a stressful/emotional couple of weeks. I lost my grandfather to cancer last week, although he isn't suffering anymore, it was still hard to let him go. I've also been trying to find a full time job and that search is really starting to piss me off. It seems like the only way you can get a job these days is to know someone. Then it seems like the people that aren't trying to get a job, walk in and get hired. Maybe I need to move?
Also, I think I took on too much. I started a weight-loss/life change, 2 blogs and job search at the same time. Some health issues also started up in the middle of all that. So, now that I've taken a step back, I'm ready to jump back in and do this! Screw what everyone else says, I'm doing this for me! So, are version 2.0 starts off I hope that you continue to follow. This blog is going to be all about bitching, griping, complaining and getting shit off my chest... I'm pretty sure there will be some laughing, happiness and crying somewhere in there too. So, I think I just set my own fate with that previous statement and most likely will not have any straight men following this blog. Oops.
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