For the past two days I've had issues. Well, I have issues everyday, but that's beside the point. I keep forgetting to eat! I wake up, get busy with what I'm doing and before I know it, it's 11:00 at night and I'm wondering why I'm hungry. I know, I'm an idiot. I don't know why in the hell I do that. Maybe I swallowed an anorexic and she's inside trying to control me? It confuses that HELL out of me, because any other day and I would be moaning and bitching all day about "I'm hungry. I want something sweet. Food, food, food!"... Now that I'm actually trying to eat healthy and get in 5 small meals a day, I can't seem to eat just
one! Dammit. Not even going to lie, I really thought the best part about the lifestyle change I chose to make was the fact that
this fat girl would get to eat 5 times a day! I thought to myself,
Hell yes! I can eat all day long and lose weight? Life is good!
Apparently, there's a book called made just for me! (
and you) and we should try it. I had never heard of it until someone commented on my
facebook page (
click that shit) about it. I plan on getting it and giving it a shot! There's several other products too... I'll post them in the blog as well. It cracks me up! There's a book for guys (I'm assuming) called
Skinny Bastard
. A recipe book,
Skinny Bitch in the Kitch: Kick-Ass Recipes for Hungry Girls Who Want to Stop Cooking Crap (and Start Looking Hot!)
- Come on! That
so sounds like something I would say! I think this bitch is probably my long lost sister. Oh, and I just found this:
Skinny Bitchin': A "Get Off Your Ass" Journal to Help You Change Your Life, Achieve Your Goals, and Rock Your World!... I wonder if there's a huge combo deal? I'll have to look into that and let you know. *Sorry for all the links. I just want to supply you guys with information that I find.* I know this isn't much of an update, but it's 6 minutes before midnight and I told everyone it would be posted.
My routine: (starting tomorrow)
-Wake up, drink a bottle of water (16.9oz) and take my
, drink another bottle of water (2).
I should probably take a piss before drinking that much water, but that's optional.
-Walk on the treadmill (or outside) for at least 30 minutes. Drink a bottle of
liquor water (3).
You won't see my ass outside in 100* weather!
-Work on arms and/or legs - depending on the day.
I'll alternate days... in case you're too slow to figure that out.
-Do something to work out my abs. Drink water (4).
I'm thinking all of this should last somewhere around an hour.
.... go about my daily business ... while drinking at least 3 bottles of water.
-Around 8pm, get back on the treadmill or go outside and walk quickly for 30 minutes.
You got it! Drink water (8).
I guess I'll see how that goes... Hopefully, I'll see some progress by next week. What is everyone doing? Are you just one of those people being just as lazy as I am, just reading my blogs, but not actually doing anything? It's ok, I don't blame you. haha
Provide me with some feedback and what you would like to see on this blog.
G'night [future] SB!
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