I've changed my eating, I've actually done some exercise... I've started writing a damn blog! I mean, seriously? Doesn't blogging make you lose weight too!? Today, I read a blog by Aunt Becky (Mommy Wants Vodka) and she listed the exact reason why I'm doing this blog... You should read it if you're thinking about blogging... Actually, you should just read it. Period. Why I Do What I Do.
Cookie cutter? Nope. I'm far from it. Normal? Probably not.... But! I am a real girl, with real emotions. I hate the world some times. I cuss entirely too much. I bleed red. I'm not just making all this up. Obesity runs in my family and I'm trying to stop it here. I feel like I constantly have to fight against fat. I feel like the people in my family have given up because they 1) feel like they can't lose it, 2) are "used to it", 3) think they are too old to start losing weight now or 4) don't realize it's killing them. There are a few family members that (I hate to say it) will most likely pass away due to things related to being overweight. It breaks my heart. It frustrates me because it's only getting passed down through the generations. I love my family dearly and I'm so worried about all of them. I'm tired of people being scared to say anything because we're scared of hurting feelings... when instead, we should be more concerned about saving lives. Maybe that's the whole reason behind me writing this blog... It's the "If I can do it, you can do it" mentality. I want to show my son that he doesn't need to turn out lazy and unmotivated like his mom. I want to see my entire extended family get healthy.
I want to see a happy family... not a depressed one. Even outside of my family... If you are reading this and I don't know you, I'm trying to save you too. It's hard as hell and I know that. When you've been doing something for most of your life, it's hard to change that up. As I've said before, no one ever said life was easy. If a man with no arms or legs can lead a happy life and be a motivational speaker, then why in the hell can people who are fully capable not get off their ass and LIVE.
I hope you just watched that video... If you didn't, click it. Take the 4 minutes to change your life... We can all take 20 minutes out of our days to get healthy and to feel better. Stop the excuses! Just when you think you can't do it... Take a look at this man: (If he can lose 400 pounds, you can lose what you need too!) He started out using things around his house to workout (water jugs, just simply getting up off the couch numerous times...). YOU (WE) CAN DO IT!
made we cry...I am such the poster child for excuses..and you are right i need to tell that part of my self to SHUT THE FUCK UP and just go do it. I have know you since we were kids and I know how scared you are! but Girl I believe in you and YOU inspire me...just remember that..the wall your scared of the reason y you want to get healty and be brought down and if you cant kick it down...then take it down one brick at a time...Be the new generation in your family start with you and your baby will follow right behind you and the cycle will end.. I am here for you 100% and it kills me when you =get so frustrated...xoxoxox