
Saturday, August 28, 2010

I Am Human.

Frankly, I'm tired of people trying to put me down. If you want to get down to the nitty-gritty, I can bring out some true blue emotion and not hold shit back. Would you like for me to sit here and call all of you out? I'm sick of people thinking they fucking know me. Well, let me inform you of something, just because we are Facebook connected or that you read my blogs, that doesn't mean you know a damn thing about me. Let's get that straight.

With that aside, I thought this was supposed to get easier as time went on, not harder. I thought the miles were supposed to get shorter, muscles get stronger and that the body was supposed to adapt. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? I've spent the last few days alternating between walking and weights... I feel like if I take a day of I'll mess me up and I won't feel like starting the next day. I've also noticed myself forgetting to eat again. It's nothing I'm doing on purpose, I just go through phases of not having an appetite. Why is that? I'm sorry if I seem to be repeating myself. I feel exhausted... in all aspects of the word.

It sucks when I'm having days like this. My back hurts so bad I just want to sit around and cry. I don't feel like doing anything other than sitting on the couch. I know I'll find the motivation at some point, but that doesn't mean I want to do anything fucking thing. I'm hoping that once I start doing something, I'll be able to go for a minute. Maybe I'll come back and write more when I'm in a better mood....

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