
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lose Weight with Photography!

I'm posting this late today because I had a busy day.... Deal with it. It may be a short blog, but who knows.

If I had balls, I definitely would have sweat them off today! Let me tell you something, I absolutely... cannot, under any circumstances, stand to sweat! When you have big boobs like me, the first thing to happen it boob sweat. Yes, it sounds just as disgusting as it is. Ladies, I know you know what I'm talking about! Men, it's so much worse than ball sweat [unless you wear spandex underwear on a daily basis]. Anyway, enough about that, for now.
So, as much as I wanted to eat a full grown cow today, I resisted. I also wanted to hook up an IV of chocolate... but again, I didn't give in. Instead, I drank about two gallons of water... literally. I also had a tuna sammich (yes, I'm aware I misspelled that, dumbass) with mustard instead of mayo. Blah, blah, blah... I didn't eat nearly enough today. My metabolism is never going to get better if I don't start eating like I should. I also bought all of my favorite fruits from the grocery store tonight. No wonder America is fat, healthy food costs to damn much! I mean, seriously! I think it's a form of population control.
Alright, I'm getting to the point. I'm a photographer... without a studio. I typically photograph everything outdoors, or in the comfort of your home... In other words, it really blows ass in the Summer time. I live in Georgia (also known as the 5th level of Hell). *I don't care if it's hotter where you live, I hate it and I can complain about it if I want to* So, when I'm outside running around like crazy, with 30-40 pounds of extra fat on me, I'm miserable! I love my job so much... but trust me, there's a reason why walrus's just lay around and don't do shit. The best part about it, I think I lost about 4 pounds of water today. Hey, all I said was I wanted to be a skinny bitch! I didn't say how I was going to do it. I love food too much to be anorexic and I hate the smell of vomit (especially on a hot day), so I can't be bulimic... So, I guess I'm stuck with doing actual work. Dammit! Now, if only I could get a session every day and call that my workout and get paid to do it, I'd be set!
I'm pretty sure that's all I have to say for now. See you tomorrow!

Is there anyone else trying to lost weight right now?

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